Tuesday, January 11, 2011

IHF "Smile"

Anytime I enter an IHF photo contest, I always pick photos that evoke some sort of emotion in me. When I heard that this week's theme was going to be "smile" I immediately started thinking of people in my life that make me smile. I chose a picture of my big sister. You have no idea how special my big sis is to me. Other than my husband, she literally is my other half. She has walked through so much of life with me....as I'm sure most sisters have. I run to her for advice on everything.....from whether these shoes match this outfit.......to how in the world do I make this life changing decision. She is such a Godly woman and has discipled me more than she knows. Thank you, Michele, for loving me, regardless. Thank you for being someone that I can be myself with....that laughs at all my jokes....and continues to show me truth. I love you so much!

How do people make it through life without a sister? -Sara Corpening

You can kid the world but not your sister. -Charlotte Gray


Head on over to IHF to see the other great "smile" photos.


Kelly Sauer said...

A lovely smile - and I love your logo! So cute!

TinaRina said...


Some call me Neesie. said...

What a beautiful photo of your precious sister. You certainly did her justice.

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